Therapist Match Guarantee

What is the Therapist Match Guarantee (TMG) ?

At PsyMontreal, we continuously strive to offer top quality services. With this in mind, we created the Therapist Match Guarantee (TMG) policy to ensure each client is paired with the best therapist for their needs. If a new client is not satisfied with the session received, we can offer the options of receiving reimbursement or being paired with another team member for a free session.

How does the Therapist Match Guarantee work ?

Following this first session, if a new client to the clinic is not satisfied with the service received, they can either :

  • Inform their therapist who will contact our internal coordinator OR
  • Contact us directly at to provide feedback on their experience

Once feedback has been received on the experience of the client, they can choose to either :

  • Receive a reimbursement of the first session (if already charged) OR
  • Receive a first session with a new therapist of our team at no cost

How do we rebook an appointment with a new therapist ?

If that therapist-client match wasn’t optimal, a new client can, following a first appointment :

  • Once the client has provided the client feedback on their experience by contacting us at, the client can book an appointment with a new therapist using our online platform.

Are there any specifications regarding when TMG can be applied ?

  • This therapist match guarantee policy is only applicable for new clients of the clinic
  • The guarantee is only valid for first appointments
  • The client must have attended a first appointment

How long do I have to redeem by free session after TMG has been granted ?

The free session is valid for a 3-month period following the initial appointment.

How long after a first appointment can a reimbursement or therapist-switch at no cost be requested ?

A new client can request a reimbursement or therapist-switch with the first appointment with the new therapist at no cost up to 1 week following the initial appointment.

Why was the therapist match guarantee created ?

As an organization, this is a promise we are making to our clients to help them find the best therapist on their journey to their best self.

It is also a confidence endorsement that we stand behind our therapists and believe in the quality work that they do!

Contact us

For any questions regarding the therapist match guarantee, contact us at