Psychotherapy Services
Let Our PsyMontreal Team Help You on Your Journey to Better Yourself
Our Psychotherapy Services
Conquer Depression
One important goal in life is to be happy. We aim to help our clients develop skills and attitudes that lead to greater happiness and control of depressive moods. Are you often sad or is happiness something difficult for you to experience? Are there events in your life that causes you emotional distress? Do you want to understand why this is happening and intervene to gain control?
Don't know where to start ? Take our free depression self-test.

Anxiety Reduction
Do you feel nervous in social settings, during work related tasks or just anxious in general? Is it bothering you or would you like to feel in greater control?
Don't know where to start ? Take our free anxiety self-test.

Coaching Services
Increase your personal productivity with efficient time management and personal management techniques and increase your motivation to do what’s best for you.
Click here to find out more about our coaching services.

Confidential and free
Not sure if you need to speak to a therapist ?
Take our confidential and free 1 minute online depression or anxiety self-tests.

Stress Management
Gain an expertise that will put stressful circumstances in a new light. Are you tired, often feeling tense? Do you feel that issues are unmanageable, or have trouble sleeping? Do you feel like your distress reduces your enjoyment of life?
Click here to find out more about stress reduction and relaxation.

Cope with Fertility Problems

Healthy Behaviours

Ready to take the next step?
We are currently accepting new clients for online video or phone appointments.
Healthy Lifestyle
Get motivated for health behaviour changes with the clinically proven effectiveness of motivational interviewing.
Are you trying to eat healthier, exercise more or undertake any other healthy behaviour change? Do you have a New Year’s Resolution you set year after year? Don’t feel discouraged if you’re having a hard time maintaining (or starting) healthy lifestyle habits. You’re not alone!
As seen in a recent Ipsos-Reid survey about resolutions, the majority of Canadians want to change their habits to become and stay healthy:
61% want to exercise more regularly
53% want to eat more nutritiously
If you know what to do to become or stay healthy, yet are having a hard time getting started or maintaining the change, the psychologists and therapists at PsyMontreal can help, using a specific method called Motivational Interviewing.
What is Motivational Interviewing?
It is a method of communication used to increase your motivation to undertake healthy behaviour changes. It has been scientifically demonstrated to increase the success of many healthy behaviours such as eating healthier and exercising more, also leading to biological changes such as weight, cholesterol and blood pressure reduction.
To find out more about how one of our psychologists or therapists can help you attain your goals with the help of Motivational Interviewing, please contact us.
Click here to learn about five simple tips to help you undertake your health behaviour changes.
For articles describing the method of motivational interviewing, as well as scientific research results demonstrating its effectiveness, click here.

Therapeutic Approach
Our psychologists and therapists use primarily a cognitive behavioural approach to :

Motivational Interviewing
Sometimes, the most difficult aspect of starting or maintaining positive changes in your life is your readiness to change. Motivational Interviewing can help work through the ambivalence (I want to change… but I don’t really want to change…) naturally associated with change.
Increase your motivation to undertake and maintain healthy behavior changes, such as smoking cessation, diet, exercise, or any other positive behavior change.