Try something new for 30 days

No need to wait for the ball to drop and the new year to roll around to make changes. After all, there is no better moment than the PRESENT !

Matt Cutts, an engineer  at Google, challenges us to try something new for 30 days !

Ask yourself, in the words of Cutts, ‘What have I always wanted to add to my life ?’

Cutts recounts examples of personal 30 day challenges he set for himself that have changed his life :

  • biking to work for 30 days
  • taking a picture a day for 30 days
  • writing his own novel in 30 days
  • cutting out sugar completely from his diet for 30 days

He explains that these challenges inspired a sense of adventure he never knew he had…or had time for.

Up for the challenge ?  It’s simple : set yourself a goal and for 30 days, perform an activity that will help you attain it.

‘What are you waiting for ? I guarantee that the next 30 days will pass whether you like it or not so why not think of something that you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days’ – Matt Cutts

Challenge accepted ? Click here to learn more.

Crédit photo : Andreas Levers